18 months!!!

Our big girl is 18 months old!  It’s almost impossible to get her to sit down to pose with the bunny.  I had a hope that when she was little she would love the animal that I made for her the most.  As with Holden, she doesn’t.  It’s the thought that counts, right?

She is growing up so fast.  The doctor asked me the other day how many words she had and when Matt and I started counting, we realized that it was well over 40!  She understands everything that you say and is really developing a great personality that is unique and fun.  She has such a love for life already and is a real character.  She continues to adore her brother and copy him all the time.  Maybe that is why one of her favorite things are cars:)  She has a great love for music and books.  We love how she is working at pronouncing words and really hangs on the letter K when she ways booK and milK.  She takes her time to annunciate the K, it’s awesome.  She has always had and continues to have a personality that allows her to just roll with life every day.  I am noticing a but of a spark coming out lately though.  I think it is somewhat of a defense mechanism to protect herself from the challenges of everyday life with an older brother:)  No is a popular word for her when she is near him.

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do, she is amazing:)

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One Response to 18 months!!!

  1. Kathy Sullivan-Heath says:

    Hi, Erin,
    Ellarie is absolutely adorable! It is hard to believe time flies so quickly. Thanks for sending the photos – we all did the ‘awe’ thing!!!!
    Love, Kathy

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