4 Months!!!

Our little boy is not so little anymore!  Holden has grown a tremendous amount in the past month.  He is now weighing in at 14 pounds and 5 ounces!  He’s 25 inches long too!  He no longer looks like a little baby.  Now he is turning into a little boy!  Every day is more fun than the last.  He coos all the time and loves social interaction.  He even makes raspberries.  Holden loves books and toys.  He is reaching out and grabbing at a huge variety of toys, he talks to his books and loves the sound of our voices when we read and talk to him.

In the past month the big news is that Holden has started to roll!!!!!  He loves to roll from his back to his belly and actually now sleeps on his belly too!  He even travels up and down the crib throughout the night too!  We always knew that he was a little acrobat 🙂

Holden is also really enjoying Linus and Sascha.  When the lick him he blows raspberries at them.  When they are in the room, he loves to watch them and sometimes will start cooing at them.  The other day Matt watched Holden start hysterically laughing at both dogs in the living room.  We have a feeling they will all be pretty good buddies 🙂

Until next time…

Erin 🙂

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3 Responses to 4 Months!!!

  1. Erica says:

    oh my goodness! He is getting so big. What a cutie!! His smile is amazing- I bet he just lights up the room 🙂 Glad hes getting along with the pups.

  2. Aunt Colleen says:

    I officially have the cutest nephew on the planet:)

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