
We finally had a few inches of snow here in Asheville and so I took Holden and Ellarie out to the playground to do some sledding with friends of ours.  Ellarie stayed in the carrier, strapped to me, but Holden got in a few great runs.  At one point though, he curved left and caught some air going over a tree stump.  It was exciting and a little scary:)  I wish I had gotten it on video.

He’s ready for the snow!IMG_7588 IMG_7591 IMG_7594 IMG_7599

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2 Responses to Sledding

  1. Vickie says:

    Fun!!! Love seeing your updates on this site. Thanks! 🙂

  2. erin says:

    I am trying really hard to keep up:) Thanks for always checking the posts out!

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