The Changes…

026Well this week I hit the double digit mark!  10 weeks!!!!  Each week seems to be flying by!  I don’t go back to the OB until 12 1/2 weeks and so now I am in this limbo where every once in a while I get this scare that something may have happened to the baby.  Physically I am not showing many changes and some of the earlier symptoms that I had are diminished.  I am still very tired and that seems to be my only constant “symptom” at this time.  So eventhough I know that everything is ok right now there is still the occassional concern that I just try to block out of my mind.  I assume that once the baby starts moving and I get bigger it will be easier to know that things are ok.  Chalk it up to first pregnancy jitters I guess!

Since the last time that I wrote we have decided to make some big home improvements to make room for the baby!  With the help, guidance, and labor of our friend Ryan we are going to finish the basement to allow for a family room/guest room and another full sized bathroom.  Baby Fraz plans on taking over the current guest room that we have.  So last weekend the project got underway.  My sister came up and helped Matt and I lug everything that we had in the basement up to the second floor guest room for storage.  What a task that was!  I have been feeling short of breath when I go up flights of stairs, hills, and exercise at times so that made this task really rough.  I always thought that pregnant women were short of breath because the baby was pressing on everything but according to my doctor it can happen this early on because of the changes in hormones.  Strange huh?  I thought something was wrong with me because I had thought I went into this pregnancy in great shape.  So what does this tidbit of information leave me with?  Frustration!!!!  It’s hard when I physically feel the same but now feel that the big activities that I previously tackled without difficulty are a little bit harder.  So I had to take more breaks and slow down a little.  It’s a funny concept… slowing down when I have a project/goal in mind.  But life has changed and now I have a little fetus to be concerned about!  So now I make a mental note….slow down.  We will see how that goes today when we have to unload 220 2×4’s to our basement!  Wish me luck!

Here are some before pictures of the basement:


Well the pregnancy update this week is that things are starting to shift/change!  I am not gaining weight but my waist line has thickened a bit and my lower abdomen is protruding slightly!  Basically to me I am just looking a little larger.  I don’t think it is noticible to the general public, but I can tell.  The baby is the size of a kumquat this week and is approaching the size of a fig by next week.  Baby Fraz now has limbs that can bend and he/she is kicking up a storm according to the literature.  Also Baby Fraz is already able to swallow!  Crazy right?  All in all other than fatigue I feel great!  I am looking forward to a slight burst in energy in the 2nd trimester!kumquat-0245[1]

Until next time…


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One Response to The Changes…

  1. bonjourmadame says:

    Exciting! The size of a fig already… wow! I didn’t know you were finishing the basement- great! Sorry I wasn’t there to help get my stuff from the basement level up to the bedroom.

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