Baby On Board

At this time, I suppose that I am writing a somewhat “secret” blog. We just found out that we were having a baby on Wednesday night (two days ago) and because it is so early on, I can’t tell most people! I guess by writing this blog though, I am getting the “urge to tell the world” out of my system a little. Plus, when you do discover the blog, you will be able to scroll back and relive these early days of the pregnancy with me. Thereby technically not missing out on anything!

022Finding out that I was pregnant was an amazing moment. For a few days I had been debating whether or not I should purchase a home pregnancy test. I was feeling a little bit different, but I also thought that I could be imagining what I was feeling—I will spare you the details. After all, I had no idea at the time what being pregnant would feel like. Matt convinced me that it was too early and that if the test came back negative, we would be disappointed. Then, after a few days of waking up feeling like I was sleeping in a sauna, Matt got the bug to look up “pregnancy symptoms” online. When he told me that he did this, I asked again if he thought that I should purchase a test—take note that this isn’t a huge time period that was elapsing but it seemed like an eternity. It was more like 3-4 days or so.

As soon as Matt said yes, I drove to the store to get a test! I was excited to find out, but I was really thinking in the back of my mind that I wasn’t pregnant. Matt, on the other hand, was almost sure that I was. So I got the test, came home, immediately peed on the stick,036 and covered it with a paper towel so that I couldn’t sneak a peak before Matt got upstairs. When we unveiled the stick, we saw two markers: one that showed that the test worked—check—then one that showed a plus or a minus—plus!!!! Holy cow, what a shock!!! We were actually having a baby!  Matt, being the mathematician that he is, immediately began to calculate the odds of a false positive. There was information on the box about false negatives but nothing about false positives. Over the next two days we took two more tests and all showed a big plus! Definitely pregnant with Baby Fraz!

We have told our parents and siblings only at this point because it is just so early on, but we can’t wait to tell everyone! My father-in-law is so excited that he is telling any stranger that he sees—I guess that he doesn’t have a blog to “secretly” share the news on. 🙂 It reminds me of when my husband asked my mother for her blessing when he wanted to propose to me. She told everyone in the small town that I grew up in that I was going to get engaged, hoping that the news would not get to me before the proposal did. Luckily it didn’t!

Now I sit and wait for some blood draws and my first doctor’s visit. Matt’s mom purchased some great reading materials to help us know what’s in store of us! I look forward to diving into those and planning many knitting projects for little Baby Fraz. We are thinking right now that we want to wait for the birth before we discover if Baby Fraz is a he or a she, so I will have to double-time it with my knitting so that I have both boy and girl options!

Until next time…
Erin 🙂

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One Response to Baby On Board

  1. erinpfrazier says:

    I am SO excited to leave the first “top secret” comment on what is still a “top secret” blog!! It’s going to hard to keep quiet about this baby for the next few weeks…I want to run all over Baltimore to tell everyone the great news!! All in good time… Love, Aunt Colleen!!!!!!!!

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