Weight Loss, Mood Swings, and More!

003Well, tomorrow I will have been pregnant for (officially) five weeks! Here is the first picture that we took. Don’t be fooled by the photo, folks—if you see a bump it is NOT Baby Fraz. 🙂 I think it will take a while before Baby Fraz starts to create a significant enough bump to be visible. I am pretty sure I still need to make it through the “feeling fat” phase first!

We have told more family about Baby Fraz but have been questioning when is a good time to spread to the word to everyone. I know that they say it is better to wait until you are at least 8-12 weeks pregnant but I don’t know how people can actually do that. Baby Fraz’s grandparents are busting at the seams to tell people still and I can’t imagine that letting up as we get further along, so we gave the green light for them to tell family last night. It just seems counterintuitive to be feeling so happy about this miracle and then to not be sharing it with people. If something were to happen, God forbid, I feel like it would almost be better for friends and family to know than it would to have to hide it all. I guess it just comes down to what feels right to us. I have to say it has been a super stressful month and if Baby Fraz can make it through tough times like that, then he/she must be pretty tough!

So here’s the update: I started getting blood draws yesterday to monitor things and to make sure that everything is going well. I had my first official mood swing yesterday, where I cried much more than necessary about something and took extended time to recover from it! The “sauna” temperature must have been turned down in our bedroom, because I am no longer waking up during the night sweating—YAY! Also I have LOST 3 pounds already! Baby Fraz must be doing a lot of work in there because I haven’t changed what I normally do, except that I cut out my long runs.  And I am eating the same. So if anything, I should have gained some weight from cutting back on the running! Rest assured, they say weight loss is totally normal, so I will embrace it.  And I’ll have less to lose once the baby comes out!

Also, I have stopped in 2 baby stores and wandered around, not knowing what exactly I am looking for, feeling completely overwhelmed (typical of me and shopping), then leaving .

Ok, this is it for the updates! I’ll continue to keep you posted on any news. 🙂

Until next time…

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7 Responses to Weight Loss, Mood Swings, and More!

  1. erin frazier says:

    This future Nanny is so very happy for both of you. Love, Mom (aka Anne Marie)

  2. Gee-Gee says:

    The countdown has begun! 🙂

  3. -Kevin. says:

    Wowzer — FANTASTIC news and super CONGRATS to you both. I’m stoked and looking forward to tracking this blog weekly. My monies are on a little girl 🙂


    • Colleen says:

      Kevin – my first instinct was a girl too:) That’s funny!! Whatever Baby Fraz turns out too be, I can’t wait to meet him/her:)

  4. Wow and Wow again!
    Speechless and more!

    Naomi and John

  5. Vickie (grandmother!) says:

    Erin and Matt-
    I am SO, SO, SO excited!!! This is just wonderful! You guys have so much fun in store for you! It’s hard to put it into words. I am so happy for both of you! And all of us! Love, Vickie

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