The final countdown…

All throughout the pregnancy I couldn’t believe how fast time was flying by.  Once I hit about week 34 it seemed like someone slammed on the brakes!  I think primarily it is because we are just so excited for the birth of Baby Fraz.  We can’t wait to find out if Baby Fraz is a boy or a girl.  Also, the baby is so active inside of me now, it makes me just want to see him/her and hold Baby Fraz!!!  This is a true practice of patience. 

I have truely slowed down very much in the past 3 weeks.  Everyday activities such as work  take so much out of me.  I have a very active job and have found it getting more and more difficult to make it through the day.  Then once I get home I am beat!  Guess my body is working hard taking good care of Baby Fraz in the final weeks. 

Apparently my stomach has grown so much that I have gotten more clumsy.  The day I hit 37 weeks I apparently decided that it would be a good idea to fall down the stairs at work.  That signed me up for a trip to the ER for about 4 hours, a lot of stress, and concern.  But in the end everything was ok and, since that time, I have been taking the elevator.  Never a dull moment, even in the home stretch. 

So since Baby Fraz hit “full term” at 37 weeks I have been reminding him/her on a daily basis that it is ok for him/her to come out:)  According to the doctor, things are progressing really well.  I am about 2 cm dilated at this point which they keep saying is great for a first pregnancy.  My doctor seems optomistic that it won’t be long.  I go back next week for a check up unless labor happens sooner!  For some reason I had a strong feeling that it was going to happen this coming Sunday.   Who knows though, it could still be another 2 weeks.  My doctor said she won’t let me go more than a week past my due date so Baby Fraz should be here absolutely no later than the 26th.  Here’s hoping everything happens sometime this week. 

On the homefront we are pretty ready for the baby to come.  The major things are done and the bags are as packed as they can be.  Now it is just up to Baby Fraz.  I went on a 2 mile walk on the trail today to try to let gravity do it’s job.  Now I am feeling somewhat sore and waiting for the contractions to begin:)  Wishful thinking right? 

I don’t know if I will be able to get another post in before Baby Fraz’s arrival….kind of exciting to think that our next post could be of the live version of Baby Fraz!!!  Matt and I are so excited to be parents and are really looking forward to welcoming our little bundle of joy into this world!  Let the countdown continue…

Until next time…

Erin 🙂

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3 Responses to The final countdown…

  1. Kerri Crawford says:

    Erin, You look awesome!!! We are so looking forward to meeting the new addition to the family..We are sending all the hugs and kisses your way!! Love you cuz!!!

  2. Gigi says:

    37 weeks and still all baby! Love the side angle shot – it looks like our beautiful little Erin swallowed a basketball. 🙂 Every day when I wake up I think, “is today the day?”

  3. erinpfrazier says:

    Thanks! Cant believe we are in single digit countdown now! One week to go! Hopefully less! Cant wait to meet our little baby!

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